Playing Around

Tried messing around with some drawing software. Interesting results, if I do say so! Lol. Sometimes it’s fun to see what I can do with the computer as a comparison to what I get with paint, brushes, pens, and pencils. The computer drawing certainly saves my erasers! I’m thinking these would be cute as cards or printed on fabric for throw pillows or something.

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For My New Sisters In Islam (and anyone else who’s interested!)


I see so many new sisters in Islam on the various Facebook groups I follow I wanted to put up some books and information I have always found to be helpful. The poster at the top of this post is a routine my husband taught me many years ago when we were newly married and I couldn’t read any Arabic, so he had to put the dikrs in transliteration for me. He also gave me a large library of Islamic books for study, many of which I’ve scanned and turned into pdfs so they’re easier for me to share. I’ve included three here, I’ve always thought these were the most useful for brand new Muslims. Non-Muslim friends have told me these are helpful as well!


This book teaches you how to pray. No pictures, but the descriptions are very clear and easy to learn.


This book goes into some detail about the rules for Islamic fasting, both during Ramadan and if you want or need to fast at other times.


This has to be my favorite book about Ramadan.